Ontario regulation 88/19
The ministry amended Ontario’s Building Code (O. Reg 332/12) to further harmonize
Ontario’s Building Code with the 2015 National Codes.
These changes will help reduce red tape for businesses and remove barriers to interprovincial trade throughout the country.
The amendments are based on code change proposals the ministry consulted in 2016 and 2017.
Changes come into effect on three dates:
May 2, 2025: requirements to the Building Code came into effect in the following areas:
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January 1, 2025: the majority of the amendments come into effect, including:
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- structural sufficiency of buildings to withstand external forces and improve resilience
- water conservation improvements to plumbing fixtures
- public health and safety requirements
- accessibility requirements for barrier-free access
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January 1, 2022: new Building Code requirements related to stair dimensions, guards and handrails come into effect.
George Brown College is currently updating the self-study/participant manuals and will be available for purchase on April 13, 2025.
The Ministry BCIN exams will be updated to the above Regulation commencing on June 1, 2025.
For additional Information
Valeria Ivanova
Building Code Coordinator
(416)415-5000 ext. 6725
About Manuals
Note: Effective August 1, 2018 the Building Code manuals can be purchased from Soho Business Solutions at the following link:
George Brown College and the Ontario Building Officials Association are pleased to announce a long-term partnership to integrate their building code training platforms. The overall mission is to enhance Building Code education at both a provincial and national level by improving the quality and accessibility of training products and services. George Brown College’s educational experience in combination with the Ontario Building Officials Association’s industry experience will allow us to offer superior products and services to professional building officials and building code practitioners both in preparation for Building Code examinations as well as professional development.
For training related inquiries please contact
Michael Leonard
Coordinator, Membership and Training
(905) 264-1662 ext. 224
Valeria Ivanova
Building Code Coordinator
(416)415-5000 ext. 6725
Safe and efficient construction in our communities requires
a high calibre of expertise among municipal building
officials, builders, design professionals and other Ontario
Building Code users. Keeping up-to-date
on the Building Code also promotes building safety
and efficient construction within the province.
In addition, a range of Building Code practitioners must
register under the Building Code in order to practice in
Ontario. Code training can help them prepare for
qualification examinations.
For complete information on qualification and registration
please visit the Ontario
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing web site.
A new edition of the Building Code went into effect January
1, 2014, and this creates an additional need for Code
The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing has transferred
responsibility for Building Code training to George Brown College.
This includes the development and delivery of both training courses
and self-study manuals.
Training materials for the 2012 Building Code have been updated
by George Brown College. These materials are delivered by the
community college sector and potentially other authorized bodies,
with George Brown College as the lead institution.
George Brown College, in partnership with other training
organizations, offers both Overview and Detailed Technical
Courses to those involved in the enforcement of
the Building Code Act and Regulations as well as those
involved in the design and supervision of
Courses are offered either in-class, on-line or through
self-study. Click here for a complete list of Course Delivery Organizations
offering in-class courses.
Self-study manuals can be purchased Here
Building Code Information Officer, George Brown College
416-415-5000 x6725